Osaka Backstreet Night Tour

713 Reviews4.96 out of 5 stars Based on 713 traveler reviews collected by Cool Destinations and TripAdvisor |
Badge of Excellence |Badge of Excellence This experience is highly rated by travelers and has met our top quality standards.
Sennichimae, Japan
Fun times at the Izakaya!
Street food in Osaka!
New foods and new people!
Japanese liquor in all its wondrous variety!
Sake Tasting!
Meeting the locals!
Osaka Backstreets!

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3 hours (Approx.)
Mobile Ticket
Instant Confirmation


Combine the famous food scene of Osaka with our local knowledge of some of the most unique drinking establishments in town! Enjoy great local food, delicious drinks and boutique bars on a walking tour through the heart of Namba, Shinsaibashi and Amemura. Sample local favourites including fresh sushi, grilled yakitori and a huge range of drinks possibilities as your English speaking guide expertly navigates through the backstreets.



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713 reviews

Average 4.96 out of 5 stars based on 713 traveler reviews collected by Cool Destinations and partner sites such as Trustpilot, Viator, and TripAdvisor

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Product code: C-62558P5